Mic drop

Listen as you read: https://youtu.be/I6PSV6xkzPg
(I do not own the rights to this song)

Courtesy of WordPress

You are the one that made fun of me when I was too you young to know my beauty, to weak to know my inner strength, to immature to know that your words should me nothing to me. You are the one that made me resent myself for so many years because of the color of my skin, the reason why I always tried to fit in. Why, when ever someone told me I was beautiful, I would never believe them. While you may not be the physical person, you are a manifestation of the one. It wasn’t until one day, I was walking by the one, darker than me, not in a physical sense but, mental and the fact that he did not recognize me from the past, tried to capitalize on my beauty; tried to achieve the un achievable that I realized I was beautifully created. That I am a strong black woman and that negative words directed toward shall never have any meaning. Suppress my pass…never, that’s what defines me. That’s how I came to be, the woman you see. My “Black” Is Beautiful.

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