What’s Your Motivation


Each year we say we will accomplish one thing that was overlooked the year past. We set a goal, create valid reasons why the goal is being set, research the goal, and…


The following year after whatever it is reminds you of the goal you previously set; you begin the process again. This time, “Oh wait!” Your research is already done all you have to do is confirm the information is still accurate. Confirmed. Now, you give yourself a date of when you will begin…


I tell myself, “I am not a failure. I can’t lose; I am going to win no matter the odds. I am doing this for my child.” My research is complete, everything has been confirmed, date of commencement has arrived, everything is working out smoothly.

“Dammit, this can’t be happening. I did everything I was supposed to do and this happens (insert whatever obstacles arrive),”


Each year, it will be something. Each year a new challenge will present itself- Life is not meant to be easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it…living. We regret what we didn’t accomplish, makes goals to appease others but, what about you? Are you doing this for you or someone else? Your drive to strive in life should not be for another person but, for the edification of your spirit. Your piece/peace of mind. Once we realize this – we’ve essentially mastered a new level, a level of living for “I.”

Recently I’ve become more acquainted with this level and have begun “Living for I.” I have accepted the things I have no control over, began working harder on what I can control, set goals for myself that maybe miniature milestones; in the end it will be worth it. My life is no longer about appeasing others – it’s about making sure I am happy with my actions.

Do I have doubts at times? Hell yeah. Do I wish I took the easy route when options presented themselves? I would be a fool if I said “No I don’t wish.” Point is, I am pushing myself past my comfort zone into the next the level of consciousness. I am doing this for me. Should my actions bless a passerby, awesome. At the end of the day, I know I am what and where I need to be.

Villain or Hero


You connect with a character. You understand their origin story of how they became who they were/are. You connect parts of their back story to current life to feel closer to them; you want your alter ego to be the embodiment of their essence – you want to feel invincible. You are the villain/Anti/Hero. Awhile ago, a group of friends decided to discuss who their favorite comic characters were. I chose Poison Ivy, Storm, Black Widow.

POISON IVY was eccentric/eclectic, she had an unyielding passion for the things she cared most about, “Mother Nature.” Did she go about preserving Mother Nature the right way maybe not but, what drew me to her was the luv and motivation shown; her eccentricity. That was and is still is me.

STORM, the Goddess of Nature, the once Queen of Wakanda, the always and forever will be Queen of African American Superheroes (in my eyes). For those more savvy in comics than I, DO NOT FIGHT ME. There is nothing more or less for me to say. Storm.

BLACK WIDOW, I’ve been told at times I am “emotionless,” direct, maybe lethal; through my rose colored lenses, I am soft, chill, down to earth and a luv’r not a fighter. However comma should we go with latter description and equate some of my characteristics with that of Black Widow, Fearless, Deadly, Unstoppable (did I add those adjectives? Yes. I. Did.), you could see how one is drawn to have an affinity for a “Spy” who is cunning, determined, well learned, guarded, focused and a vixen of sorts.

SUPERHERO’S/COMICS/Reality are your escape from reality. It’s someone you wish you could become-gain their superpowers, confidence; have their strengths. Then, the more you delve into character or superheroes in general you realize the weight of what it means to be one. As a hero you are met with tough choices constantly. You set standards to capturing the villains, but the code you abide by puts you in constant conflict of how you interact with a villain, and more often then not, you feel defeated at times because villainy has no “rules.” I respect the heroes who don’t kill and also, those whose moral compass (I say this loosely) allows them to commit more violent acts. I’d like to consider myself an Anti-Hero because I believe in minimal violence however comma if I must take a lil more action…I will. Equate this to the “Real World,” you are the Hero/AntiHero/Villain of your life. Your actions and actions of those around you can have a positive or negative affect. It’s easy to say the choices you make are yours and yours only but, human to say I understand what the reason for the choice may be. Right or wrong.

We want to be the Hero our children can look up to, for some we never see the villain we become, and others do what they must to make a better life for themselves regardless of the outcome. What do you think? What’s your stance?